Charity - 1991
A 100-year-old church reviewed their human resource policies and determined that they need to provide employee benefits. The church reimbursed the premium cost for those staff qualified for and association group but others had no coverage.
Medical & Dental Benefits
The employer was motivated to "take care" of the expenses for staff and their dependents. Therefore, compressive coverage was provided without any cost-containment features. In order to encourage those with coverage through a spouse to decline coverage, employees were required to contribute 25% of the premium.
Supplemental Employment Insurance Sickness Benefit
The employer topped up the Employment Insurance Sickness Benefit to 75% of earnings as their self-administered short-term disability benefit.
Long-term Disability Benefits
Two thirds of salary plus housing allowance is paid while an employee is disabled.
Life Insurance Benefits
Two years earning is paid upon the death of an employee, $10,000 upon the death of a spouse and $5,000 upon the death of a dependent child.
Retirement Savings Benefits
The employer matches employee contributions to a Structured Group Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) up to 1% for every year of service up to a maximum of 5%.
All benefits have been heavily utilized resulting in an appreciative workforce. While the claims experience most years has required significant premium rate increases, the employer’s objective to taking care of the health needs of their staff have been met.